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Photo by Chloé McNeill
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Per motivi tecnici le FAQ compaiono soltanto in Inglese.
Can I pay with cash?No, I'm sorry.
How can I access video courses?Contact me. We will schedule a free video call. According to your needs and goals I'll create a personalized Plan for you, giving you access to the video courses.
How do I get free advice?Simply by writing to me! We will schedule a free 30-minute call to understand how I can help you. You can also find a free mini course in the menu, through which you can learn useful strategies. I also suggest you to subscribe to my Newsletter, too. I will keep you posted on any new information coming up. If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out. I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you!
Can I get Move In Mind Online Course without receiving private training or coaching?If you are not interested in receiving private training & coaching sessions, but only in purchasing the online video course giving access to the Certification Program, you can do it! Click on the links below to find out which course is the best for you! Morales Method Move In Mind - Certification Program
Where I can find all the Morales Method Academy of Structural Integration online courses?You cand find all the online courses provided by the MMASI by clicking HERE
I am a personal trainer/a bodyworker. What course should I choose?If you are interested in becoming a Move In Mind practitioner and Certified instructor, you can find the training program HERE.
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